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LOL LPL LCK August 6th: FanDuel and DraftKings Player Rankings

Tonight’s Player Rankings: DK Captain GALATeddyXiaohuShowmakerMole Fanduel STAR: GALATeddyXiaohuShowmakerMole TOP: CannaNewNuguriBiubiu JNG: XLBCuzzWeiweiCanyon MID: XiaohuShowmakerMoleFaker ADC: GALATeddyY4Ghost SUP: MingEffortBeryLPPGod TEAM: DWGRNGT1V5 Predictions:  RNG 2-0 Confidence: High T1 2-0 Confidence: High DWG 2-1 Confidence: Medium V5 2-1 Confidence: Medium
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LOL LPL August 4th: FanDuel and DraftKings Player Rankings

Tonight’s Player Rankings: DK Captain SamDMoleWeiWeiJiumengEric (GPP) Fanduel STAR: SamDMoleWeiWeiJiumengEric (GPP) TOP: BiubiuMorganCurse JNG: WeiweiBeishangH4ckerJiejie MID: MoleTeachermaIconScout ADC: SamDJiumengEricHope SUP: PPgodSoraMissingMeiko TEAM: OMG (P/$)V5WEEDG Predictions:  V5 2-0 Confidence: High WE 2-1 Confidence: Medium
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LOL LPL August 3rd: FanDuel and DraftKings Player Rankings

Tonight’s Player Rankings DK Captain KramerXiyeDoinbPeanutLwx Fanduel STAR: KramerXiyeDoinbLwxPeanut TOP: LangXGimGoonKingen JNG: PeanutTianXiaopengMeteor MID: XiyeDoinbTwilaFofo ADC: KramerLwxXubinWings SUP: MarkCrispYuiXinmo TEAM: FPXLGDDMO (GPP) Predictions:  LGD 2-0 Confidence: Medium FPX 2-1 Confidence: Medium
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LOL LPL LCK August 2nd: FanDuel and DraftKings Player Pool

Tonight’s Player Pool: DK Captain JiumengJackeyLoveKnightShowmakerTeacherma Fanduel STAR: KnightJiumengShowmakerJackeyLoveTeacherma TOP: Nuguri369MorganZoomCanna JNG: KarsaBeishangCanyonKanaviCuzz MID: KnightShowmakerTeachermaYagao ADC: JackeyLoveJiumengLokenTeddyGhost SUP: BeryLYuyanjiaLvMaoMissingEffort TEAM: DWGWETESJDGT1 Predictions:  DWG 2-0 Confidence: High JDG 2-1 Confidence: High WE 2-0 Confidence: Medium TES 2-0 Confidence: Medium T1 2-1 Confidence: Low
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LOL LPL LCK August 1st: FanDuel and DraftKings Player Rankings

Tonight’s Player Rankings: DK Captain RulerWumingHaroPuffBdd Fanduel STAR: WumingRulerPuffBddHaro TOP: Holder TheShyRascalKingenDoran JNG: HaroNingMeteorPyosikClid MID: WumingRookieBddChovyFoFo ADC: RulerZWujiPuffDeftWings SUP: BaolanKeriaLeyLifeXinmo TEAM: IGRWGenGDRXBLG (GPP) Predictions:  RW 2-0 Confidence: Medium GenG 2-0 Confidence: High DRX 2-0 Confidence: Low IG 2-0 Confidence: Medium BLG 2-1 Confidence: Low
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LOL LPL LCK July 31st: FanDuel and DraftKings Player Rankings

Tonights Player Rankings: DK Captain RouteKramerFATEXiyePeanut  Fanduel STAR: RouteKramerGALAXiaohuXiye TOP: LangXSummitCannaNew JNG: PeanutOnFleekXLBCuzz MID: FATEXiyeXiaohuFaker ADC: RouteKramerGalaTeddy SUP: MarkGorillAMingEffort TEAM: SBLGDRNGT1 Predictions:  LGD 2-0 Confidence: High (Main cash stack) RNG 2-0 Confidence: High T1 2-1 Confidence: Low SB 2-0 Confidence: Medium (GPP Stack)
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LOL LPL LCK July 30th: FanDuel and DraftKings Player Rankings

Tonight’s Player Rankings: DK Captain KnightJackeyLoveMysticFlyJiumeng (GPP) Fanduel STAR: KnightMysticJackeyLoveFlyJiumeng (GPP) TOP: 369KiinMorganNuguri JNG: KarsaBeishangSpiritCanyonPyosik MID: KnightFlyShowmakerTeachermaMoleChovy ADC: JackeyLoveMysticJiumengDeftSamD SUP: YuyanjiaBeryLBenMissingPpgod TEAM: Team WE (P/$)TESAFDWGDRX Predictions:  TES 2-0 AF 2-0 WE 2-1 DWG 2-1
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LOL LPL July 27th: FanDuel and DraftKings Writeup

Suning (-490) vs Oh My God (+330) Is Suning going to win this match? Judging by the almost 90% implied win probability from the oddsmakers I would say probably. However, tonight OMG is actually going to roster an ADC that will actually contribute during team fights! Smlz has been pulled from the starting five for […]
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